The Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax

By Sonythebooklover

The Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax by Trinity Faegan

Halfway in, and I loved this book. I know you feel a bit coming, and you’re right, but there were two instances when I almost threw my hands up and lost interest. The first instance is when Sasha tells Jax to stay away from her. She just wants to be normal blah blah, even after discovering she is anything but. The other is the lunchroom scene; Sasha is confronted by one of the lost souls. Apparently, Brett, in an attempt to recruit her spreads a vicious rumor about Sasha being promiscuous. The guy thinks she’s an easy target and approaches her, very graphic about his intentions. At first, her reaction to crying annoyed me, and I thought she was another Mary sue. However, Sasha fights back, thus redeeming herself in my eyes.

The plot was creative, using religious elements from the bible to weave a unique story. The characters are interesting; all the arch types of high school life are hit. Including the hierarchy of one’s social status, which, by the way, is the sales pitch the ravens use to hook potential recruits to join the group. One layer of the story at the heart of the plot is Sasha and Jax’s love story. Their arguments between Sasha and Jax are a bit repetitive, but that’s also what makes them real. We humans in love tend to talk about our feelings a lot to each other. Especially when we like someone we know shouldn’t. You spend part of the time discussing why liking each other is wrong and the other half making out with each other. Which is exactly what the love birds do.

I liked that the lead female character was strong and smart; even in a tight spot, she had the ca-hoon-ays to fight even if she lost. Though she had the occasional, I’m a dumb teenager moment, e.g., rushing off into a dangerous situation alone to help a friend. The relationship between Jax and Sasha was sickly sweet at times, but I could relate to it. The scene where they couldn’t fall asleep because of the anxiousness of being so close kept them both awake, but as soon as Jax lay next to her, they were asleep very believable. The descriptions were easy to visualize the dialogue was smart but at times the dialogue seemed to be suffering from a split personality disorder. E.g. a playful moment between Sasha and Jax.

He says,” you liked that.”

Sasha replies “only a lot”  the term dumb blonde pops into my head maybe it’s just me.

There weren’t too many things I disliked about this book. Jax and Sasha’s relationship is cute, but Jax’s need to keep Sasha safe reminds me a lot of Edward and his uber-overprotectiveness of Bella. Wanting to kill any guy that so much as looked at her funny. Yet at the same time is willing to let her go if that’s what she wants. Jax does the same; that’s a bit bipolar if you ask me. After a while, Sasha’s fixation on being “normal” annoyed me a little. It makes perfect sense in the story’s context but that didn’t mean I have to like it. I mean, how would you react if some hot guy with black eyes tells you you’re a living angel and you’re his only shot at redemption from God? Oh yeah, and by the only shot he has at having a mate. I would scream my head off.  I really enjoyed this and hated when I had to put it down; I gave it a rating of 4 OUT of 5.

There is some mild sexual content in this book, and I wouldn’t recommend this book for those 13 and younger.

Rating: 4/5



Books Worth Reading:


  • Title: The Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax by Trinity Faegan
  • Publishing date: September 27th, 2011
  • Publisher: Egmont USA
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 439
  • Buy: Amazon

Sasha is desperate to find out who murdered her father. When getting the answer means pledging her soul to Eryx, she unlocks a secret that puts her in grave danger—Sasha is Anabo, a daughter of Eve, and Eryx’s biggest threat. A son of Hell, immortal, and bound to Earth forever, Jax looks for redemption in the Mephisto Covenant—God’s promise he will find peace in the love of an Anabo. After a thousand years, he’s finally found the girl he’s been searching for: Sasha. With the threat of Eryx looming, Jax has to keep Sasha safe and win her over. But can he? Will Sasha love him and give up her mortal life?